NEWS2001 – 2002 Season Starts October 1, 2001
AG Curling League Turns 20 This Season ! Welcome back to the Attorney General’s Mixed Curling League for the 2001-2002 season! This is your chance to be young again as we move into our 20th season. We hope everyone had a good break this summer and is ready to have fun with us on Mondays curling! We are pleased to announce that we are adding two new teams bring us to 10 teams this season. So please welcome our new players as well as our spares. We are seeking a few additional players to round out our roster for those teams with only three. So do your best to invite a friend or colleague to join us and try the game.
Welcome To Our New Players This Season The AG Curling League welcomes:
Welcome Aboard ! |
Last Year’s Champs Grand Aggregate Winners for 00/01 Bruce Morrison Rink
‘A’ Group Winners for 00/01 Claude Martel Rink
‘B’ Group Winnersfor00/01 Mike Teillet Rink $$ Fees $$ The same as last year - curling fees will remain at $110 per person. Payment is due by November 5, 2001, at the latest. Please make your cheque payable to the : AG Curling League and get it to Bob Davies as soon as you can, so we can pay the Club for the ice rental on time.
Fund Raising Another change sees Lorraine Rumak take on responsibility for our League’s Social Activities, including a 50/50 raffle each week.' Banquets and other fun things. So have fun or else she will be by to give you a talking to. The profits all go to support our social activities. Tickets are a dollar. And she doesn't bake so Erma take pity on us and continue to bring your delicious butter tarts! |
AG Mixed Curling League News 2 October 1, 2001 |
New Team List And Schedule The list of teams, skips and players will be ready for the start of league play on October 15. Each skip is to provide Neil Carroll with a list of their players and the position they are playing by October 9th at the latest. Attached is the First Game Draw for Oct 15th. We anticipate starting with one full round-robin Draw (9 games). Following which we are considering splitting the League into A and B Groups with A Group being the 5 teams with the most points after the full Round Robin Draw. There would then be two Rounds of play with each Group playing a Round Robin (4 games each round for a total of 8 games). The bottom team in A Group will drop to B Group after each Round, and the top team in B Group will move to A Group after each Round. This will be followed by a Playoff Round the format to be decided (a total of 20 games). The current Draw/Schedule will be continuously posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby of the Club. NOTE: Only the first Round Draw is set. Your executive welcomes suggestions on the format for the remainder of the season now that we are at 10 teams. Rules / Scoring All standard MCA curling rules apply except where stated otherwise here: Late Penalties / Forfeiture If a team is late arriving to a game, it will give up 1 point after the first 10 minutes it’s late, and an additional point for each 10 minutes thereafter – to a maximum of 3 points. Late teams will forfeit the game after 30 minutes. Where two teams scheduled to play each other both forfeit, neither team gets any points. A team MUST have 3 players to play a game. A team can borrow a Spare from the team they are playing against in order to still play a game, but, they still officially lose the game. (This rule does not apply to a team which borrows a Spare from a team it isn’t playing against). |
If you are aware in advance that your team will be absent from a game, please attempt to contact your scheduled opposing team to let them know. Length of Game Games are to be 8 Ends in length (or approximately 2 hours). But, if the bell rings and your game isn’t completed, your game continues to the completion of that End – plus one additional End (but not to exceed 8 Ends). The bell rings at about 6:40 PM. The Fort Rouge Curling Club has asked the teams be off the ice no later than 7:05 PM. An End is considered started upon the release of the first rock from the Lead’s hand and, is considered completed from the release of the last rock from the Skip’s hand. Scoring The following point system will be used for scoring: WIN 2 Points TIE 1 Point LOSS 0 Points It will be all Skips’ responsibility to report the game results to Bob Davies or Neil Carroll, immediately following each game. We can be found in the lounge per usual. Ties are recorded as such, except in Playoffs where Skips’ Rocks will be used to determine the winner. Spares It will be the responsibility of all League members to arrange for their own Spares if they are unable to attend a game. Spares must play Lead, except where a team is using more than one, in which case Spares must play Lead and Second. Each team must have at least one registered team member for each game. For playoff games, only one Spare is allowed per team. Note: Spares will not be charged a fee to play. Gender Make-up of Teams All teams should have at least one person of the opposite sex registered on their team. But which position people play on their team is up to them. Teams can still play should their opposite sex member(s) be absent. |
AG Mixed Curling League News 3 October 1, 2001 |
Christmas Party Our annual Christmas party will be on December 17 after the curling game. Any suggestions as to what we could do this year would be welcome. Please speak to Lorraine Rumak.
Windup & AGM .The curling league Windup and Annual General Meeting will take place on March 18 after the last game. Awards will be given and suggestions for changes are always welcome. Your New Executive ! After five straight years of "same old, same old", a new Executive was elected at the AGM last year. They are as follows: President: Neil Carroll W: 945-2594 H: 774-4986 Act Sec/Treas: Bob Davies H: 956-4710 Social Sec: Lorraine Rumak W: 945-7336 Please do not hesitate to approach Neil, Bob or Lorraine with any suggestions, questions or concerns you may have related to the League and just about anything else. AND OUR BIG THANKS TO OUR OUTGOING EXECUTIVE WHO SERVED SO WELL AND LONG!
Curling Dates Twenty games will be played again this season. Curling dates are as follows: - October 1, (opening fun night) - October 15, 29 - No games on October 8 & 22 - November 5, 12, 19, 26 - Dec 3, 10, 17 (Dec 17th -Christmas party) - No curling on Dec. 24th and 31st - January 7, 14, 28 - No game Jan 21 - February 4, 11, 18, 25 - Mar 4, 11, 18 - Mar 18 Wind-up Banquet & Awards + Annual General Meeting, after games. Reminders * The Free Guard Zone rule is in force again.
* No curling on: Oct 8 & 22, Dec 24 & 31 and Jan 21.