NEWS October
2004 |
Our League (now with only 9 teams) starts regular play on Monday October 18th, 2004 at 5PM
at Fort Rouge. Welcome to everyone and thanks to those of you who made it out on
October 4th and got a few throws in ahead of the rest. Did anyone see the missing skips in the
bar? And What’s New – Alot!
· Where have all the teams gone? – We have lost three over the summer and are down to only 9 teams. ·
Eichstadter, Worden and Miller rinks
are gone and we hope they will return next year, if they can. · The Sawatzky rink has gone through a retrofit, with Gail Anderson as 2nd and with David Jopling and Jack Dent sharing the lead position. · Bob Hekl has lost Crawford Varnes and added Andrew Boryshavich as 2nd in his place. Andrew spared for us last season. · Pete Carriere’s rink has two new players with Ralph Sanders at 3rd and Kitty Leong as a rookie lead. ·
Alan Chanway and Fay Morrison will give the Zinnick rink a new and competitive look with the retirement of Ed
2003-04 Champs GRAND AGGREGATE WINNERS MORRISON RINK ‘A’ GROUP WINNERS HEKL RINK ‘B’ GROUP WINNERS WORDEN RINK Congratulations to our champions ______________________________ Our fees have gone up by $5 from $110 to $115 pp to cover 5% increase in ice rental. Our fees are due to the club in November, so please pay your money
to Bruce Morrison, our Treasurer as soon as you can. Make your cheque payable to the "AG
Curling League". Fun
& Hell Raising
That may not be this year due to the loss of our Social Conveyor, Glennis Kendall to an injury. This is indeed a big loss to the league and we hope she can return in the near future.
♫ We need some help with the weekly 50/50
tickets, the banquets and the like. (Contact Neil
or Bruce if you can assist) |
Curling Draw
will be
posted on the bulletin board at the Club and on our website (thanks to
our IT guy Pete Carriere): We are starting with the
usual round-robin draw, and in January dividing the League into two
Divisions. Nine teams will mean an average of two byes for each team over the
season and with some cross-over between divisions. Following the 2nd Round play, we will,
make adjustments between Divisions based on points and play a final play-off
round for the trophies. The Grand Aggregate trophy is based on the overall year
results. Trophies are also awarded to
the winners of ‘A’ and ‘B division. Curling
Dates § October 18, 2004 – start of play. §
October 25, 2004 – no curling due to JVC § November 1, 8, 15, 29 2004 – curling §
November 22, 2004 – no curling § December 6, 13, 2004 – curling § December 20, 2004 – Fun-spiel & Banquet §
December 27, 2004 -
Christmas break § January 3, 10, 17, 2005 – curling § January 24, 2005 – no curling § January 31, 2005 – curling § February 7, 14, 21, 28 2005 – curling § March 7, 14, 21, 28 2005 – curling § April 4, 2004 – curling followed by Windup & AGM |
Your Executive
President: Neil Carroll W: 945-2594H: 774-4986 Sec/Treasurer: Bruce Morrison H: 786-6037 Social Sec: --VACANT---- We need a volunteer for
the above position as Glennis Kendall is not able to curl this season due to
an injury. Windup & AGM. The curling league Windup
& Awards Banquet and Annual General Meeting will take place on April 4,
2005 after the last game. Reminders · The Four Rock Free Guard Zone rule is in effect ·
Spares must
play Lead. If you have 2 Spares, they
would play Lead and Second. ·
Games start at
5 p.m. sharp and must finish by 7P.M.
Please be on the ice promptly at 5 to allow games to start and end on
time! ·
LOSS – L |
Rules / Scoring
All standard MCA curling rules apply except where stated otherwise here: The four rock Free Guard Zone rule is in effect for the 2004-05 season as adopted by the MCA. Late Penalties / Forfeiture If a team is late arriving
to a game, it will give up 1 point after the first 10 minutes it’s late, and
an additional point for each 10 minutes thereafter – to a maximum of 3
points. Late teams will forfeit
the game after 30 minutes. Where two teams are scheduled to play each other
and both forfeit, neither team gets any points. A team MUST have 3 players
to play a game. A team can borrow a
Spare from the team they are playing against in order to still play a game,
but, they still officially lose the game.
(This rule does not apply to a team which borrows a Spare from a team
it isn’t playing against). If you are aware in advance
that your team will be absent from a game, please attempt to contact your
scheduled opponent to let them know in advance.
Length of Game
Games are to be 8 Ends in length (or approximately 2 hours). But, if the bell rings and your game isn’t completed, your game continues to the completion of that End – plus one additional End (but not to exceed 8 Ends). The bell rings at about 6:35 PM.An End is considered started upon the release of the first rock from the Lead’s hand and, is considered completed from the release of the last rock from the Skip’s hand. The Fort Rouge Curling
Club has asked the teams be off the ice no later than 7 P.M. So please try
and start on time and avoid lengthy delays and discussions on the ice in
order to allow time for eight ends to be completed. |
Scoring system The following system will be used for scoring: WIN - 2 TIE - 1 LOSS
- 0
Either your Third or Skip
is responsible to record your teams
results on the sheet on the Bulletin Board located on the main floor of the
Club, immediately following each game! Ties are recorded by both
teams as a “T” (1 point), except
in Playoffs or to decide standings, where Skips’ rocks will be used to
determine the winner. Spares It will be the responsibility of all League members to arrange for their own Spares if they are unable to attend a game. Spares must play Lead, except where a team is using more than one, in which case Spares must play Lead and Second. Each team must have at least one registered team member for each game. For playoff games, only one Spare is allowed per team. Note: Spares will not be charged a fee to play. Gender
Make-up of Teams All teams should have at
least one person of the opposite sex registered on their team. But which
position people play on their team is up to them. Teams can still play should their opposite sex member(s) be
absent. Lounge
Rule As a general rule games
played in the bar by casting dice, drawing cards or using glass objects to
decide a result, will not be recognized in the official standings. |