Attorney General
Mixed Curling League
The Attorney General Curling League is a fun mixed league that curls at the Fort Rouge Curling Club on Mondays at 5:00 PM from mid-October through March! This site is a main source of information about our league for everyone!
Hi all! Welcome to our 2024-2025 Season!
Enjoy! And scroll down for announcements and everything else!
OK here are our season schedules, standings, stats, etc! Everything will be posted as it becomes available. Meanwhile, some links still point to last years pages.
(Emailed to team skips by the Executive each season.)
2024-25 Schedules
Our Overall 2024-2025 Season Dates!
Round 1 Draw Schedule
Round 2 Draw Schedule
Round 3 Playoff Draw Schedule
2024-25 Standings
Round 1 - Complete!
Round 2 - Complete!
2024-25 Wins / Losses
Round 1 - Complete!
Round 2 - Divisional Play - Also Complete!
Round 3 - Playoffs - (Not started yet)
No Curling Feb 17, 2025. Yes, February 17th is Louis Riel Day in Manitoba. So as usual, we do not curl on that Monday! We also don't curl on Remembrance Day, November 11th. And Dec 23rd! Too close to Christmas.
Ties are back!! Yes, as of our 2023-24 season, we're going back to having ties in Rounds 1 and 2. As defined in our Constitution, Article XIII, first and second paragraph. We dropped them back in the 2019-2020 season, only to have to reinstate them thanks to Stupid Covid. Then had an optional skips rocks, and then no ties again in 2022-23. BUT, now they are back. It might help get rid of log jams in the standings!
And as usual, there are no ties in the playoffs. Closest to the pin skips rocks.
Ends of games: When the bell rings around 6:35, we finish the end we're in, and play one more end. Except, no end should start after 6:45 PM. We are to be off the ice by 7 PM. This is defined in our Constitution, Article XIV. Check that doc out, defines spares guidelines too!
Looking for a spare? All skips will be sent a League Contact list for each season. Which has spares listed at the bottom! Also, check any teams that have more than 4 players... perhaps their extra players are looking for a game! Contact their skips and see! Can't hurt.
The AG Curling Covid Page
Dumped all the Covid announcements into their own page. Hopefully closed that chapter!!